Build a Traffic Sign Recognition with Keras/Tensorflow
Build a Traffic Sign Recognition Project
The goals of this project are the following:
- Load the data set
- Explore, summarize and visualize the data set
- Design, train and test with different model architectures (LeNet, GoogLeNet, ResNet34)
- Use the model to make predictions on new images
- Analyze the softmax probabilities of the new images
- Summarize the results
Author : nguyenrobot
Copyright : nguyenrobot
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Jupyter notebooks
: in Tensorlfow 2, Keras is the official high-level API that helps beginners start more quickly and concentrate in model architecture than dealing with low-level APIs
In the end, we will also try to classify some traffic signs taken on french roads :
Traffic signs to classify ↓
In this project, we will implement deep neural networks to classify traffic signs. We train and validate models so they can classify traffic sign images using the German Traffic Sign Dataset.
We will re-build some famous deep neural networks in this tutorial :
- LeNet by Yann Lecun in 1998
- GoogLeNet by Google team, the winner of ILSVRS 2014 challenged
- ResNet34, a lite version of Resnet50 by Microsoft team, the winner of ILSVRS 2015 challenged
The first idea of artificial neural networks came from Warren McCulloch — a neurophysiologist, and Walter Pitts — a logician, in 1943. But it takes many years later to see their real-time applications in our daily life. There are some important factors that could be listed here with honour :
… It’s not easy to resume near 80 years (to 2020) of deep-learning evolution and explain very abstract notions of deep-learning in a single article when we are not experts. Thankfully, there are other helpful sources that you can learn to deep dive in Deep Learning if motivated :
*good books to read
Hands-On Machine Learning with Scikit-Learn, Keras and TensorFlow by Aurélien Géron
Deep Learning with Python by Francois Chollet
*good courses to follow
FastAI Course
Self-Driving Car Engineer Nanodegree Program
remark :
an image classifier takes an input image then predict if it belongs to a defined class. A classifier doesn't scan input image and find/localize objects inside. I will have another tutorial on object detection (aka. classifying and localization) in the future.
Key notions of supervised deep Learning
We will talk about some key notions of supervised
deep-learning which the model is trained with pre-labelled datasets.remark :
I try to figure out abstract and complicated notions of deep learning by using simplified and abusive language, sometimes it's not the standard academic notion
1. Convolutional filter
The convolutional filter is omnipresent in deep learning, it’s a key element for feature extraction from an input.
A basic convolutional filter that we may have seen many times is Sobel operator which helps us to calculate 1st-degree derivative on grayscale image :
Source : OpenCV Documentation
In deep learning, convolutional filters are randomly initialized at the beginning then gradually get updated thank to back-propagation algorithms in the training phase.
Please check my previous tutorial for Sobel and its applications in line-detection here :
2. Neurons in neural networks
A neural network could be considered as a weighted multi-voting system where each neuron takes votes from previous’ layer’s neurons or from the inputs.
<Every neuron is not equal !>, the neural network is not a democratic country. Every vote is weighted.
Normally, neurons’ outputs of the last layer are called ‘logits’. In abusive language, we could also call every neuron’s output as logit. An output of a neuron is very similar to a fuzzy logic output. So, what logit stands for ?
_logit = 0 : white vote or blank vote, aka. ‘no comment’
_logit > 0 : YES answer, higher the logit the neuron is more sure about its ‘YES’ conclusion
_logit < 0 : NO answer, lower the logit the neuron is more sure about its ‘NO’ conclusion
Source : nguyenrobot
Why called deep-learning ? When a neural network has many hidden (intermediate) layer, it’s called deep neural network (DNN). Usually, end-user doesn’t need to see intermediate layers results, so for them, it’s some kind of black-box, or deep learning.
3. Softmax activation
The softmax activation function is frequently used in multi-classes classifying in the last layer.
Without softmax activation, we get logits at the outputs of a neural network which show us the degree of similarity of the input with each pre-labelled classes.
Source : nguyenrobot
However, logits are very abstract we need to convert them to probabilities summing up to 1. So, the softmax activation is here to figure out probabilities that the input could belong to a class.
Source : nguyenrobot
4. ReLU activation function
The ReLU activation function is widely used in deep learning. ReLU gets passed ‘YES’ answer of a neuron and neutralize other types of answer.
The ReLu actionvation is really simple defined as : f(x)=max(0,x)
Source : analyticsvidhya
ReLU helps the Model to have :
[x] Non-linear behaviour & Multi-classes classification capacity. Imagine that we have a group A of neurons evaluating the input if it belongs to class 1 and a group B of neurons evaluating the input if it belongs to class 2. The ReLu activation function helps to cut the link between group A of neurons to class 2 evaluation and vice-versa. So when group A gives ‘NO’ answer for input, its ‘NO’ answer doesn’t affect the evaluation process of group B of neurons
[x] Faster convergence, aka. ease the back-propagation in training phase. After each new training input, only neurons giving ‘YES’ answer get updated
Source : nguyenrobot
Sometimes, Leaky ReLU is used to do not completely cut the link between groups of neurons because in practice neurons’ groups are not completely independent grouped into A, B, C.. groups for the classifying process.
4. Human vs deep learning in computer vision
When human does computer vision, we start by picking some well-known operations, then we define thresholds and logical formulas to get the output.
Source : nguyenrobot
With Deep Learning, human firstly chooses an architecture then all the parameters are randomly initialized at the beginning of the training phase.
As an example in computer vision, the input is a vector of all pixel called X, the output is a vector of logits corresponding to classes called Z. The vector of labels is Y (1 0 0.. if the current image belongs to class 1).
Gradient Descent is the most used method to get Neural Networks updated during the training phase.
*In predicting phase :
[x] z = f(X,P)
[x] P are randomly initialized in the begining then get gradually updated in training phase when we inject new images.
f(X,P) is roughly a huge matrix calculation from inut vector X and all traineable paramteter P of the Neural Network (neurons’ weights & convolutional filters’ weights)
In back-propagation phase :
[x] E = Y -Z : error or Cross Entropy Loss
[x] dE/dP = df/dP = K : derivative of error [x] dP = aK is taken to update our P, a is a numerical learning rate
could be constant or adaptative value
Data Set Summary & Exploration
1. Basic summary of the dataset
Datasets for training, validation and testing are found inside \traffic-signs-data
, coming from the German Traffic Sign Dataset
The size of the datasets are :
- Sample size : (32, 32, 3)
- Training dataset : 34799 samples
- Validation dataset : 4410 samples
- Test dataset : 12630 samples
- N° of classes : 43
2. Visualization of the dataset
Here is an exploratory visualization of the data set. It is a bar chart showing how the data is distributed.
Source : INI German dataset
It’s natural that for traffic signs that could engender confusion — even for a human, their numbers of samples are much higher than others.
Confusion matrix, Image Credit : German Traffic Signs Dataset from INI ↓
Source :
Design and Test a Model Architecture
1. Image preprocessing
Pierre Sermanet and Yann LeCun used YUV color space with almost of processings on Y-channel (Y stands for brightness, U and V stand for Chrominance). Many other works in computer vision also relay on gray-scale because a human can naturally classify objects in black and white, a frame in gray-scale could save memory and keep easier for normalization phase in data pre-processing.
I will follow this tradition for my first attempts then will try in HSL color-space in the end. I think that we lost information in grayscale, so I hope that using HSL color-space helps us to have intuitively the perception of Hue, Saturation and Lightness in some cases it could improve the final accuracy and prevent confusions. Of course, we have to sacrifice the performance and memory consumption in the training phase and then speed in the prediction phase.
Generally, we normalize data to get them centre around 0 and to have standard deviation near to 1.
- to prevent numerical errors due to many steps of matrix operation. Imagine that we have 255x255x255x255xk operation, it could give a huge numerical error if we just have a small error in k.
- to help the training phase converges more quickly by forcing inputs to have similar mean and deviation
2. Model architecture
Source : Traffic Sign Recognition with Multi-Scale Convolutional Networks by Pierre Sermanet and Yann LeCun in 1998
The original LeNet is used for hand-writing digits classification which does have just 10 classes. So to work well with our traffic signs having 43 classes, I lightly changed the depth of the original LeNet architecture.
- GoogLeNet
Source : Aurélien Géron, “Hands-On Machine Learning with Scikit-Learn, Keras, and TensorFlow”, page 466–468, Figure 14–13 and 14–14.
- ResNet
Source : Aurélien Géron, “Hands-On Machine Learning with Scikit-Learn, Keras, and TensorFlow”, page 471, Figure 14–17.
3. Train the model
Batch size
: I prefer to use batch size at 32. "Friends don't let friends use mini-batches larger than 32." Yann Lecun tweeted. With Tensorflow backend and OpenCV for image preprocessing, we wouldn't have GPU memory with big batch size. However, on a 2GB memory dedicated GPU card and using Pytorch library, we would have memory problems.Number of epochs
: 30 epochs is sufficient for small-scale datasets. Skip-layer connection as in Residual Network could help training phase converge quickly.Optimizer
: SGD, Adam, NadamLearning rate
: 0.001 is prefered
4. Data augmentation
Keras disposes of a data augmentation API that helps us to enrich our training dataset. Usually, we enhance our training dataset with geometric transforms to reply to various inputs.
Here is an example of augmented input :
Data augmentation, example for a 60kmph limit sign ↓
Source : nguyenrobot
Test the model on validation dataset & on the test dataset
Normally, we can use 1/3 of our labelled dataset for cross-validation.
-[x] Our validation dataset is pre-prepared with 4410 samples.
-[x] Our test dataset is pre-prepared with 12630 samples.
Source : nguyenrobot
We need to get 93–95% of validation accuracy at least to be considered as a robust classifier. With LeNet
, GoogLeNet
and ResNet
original architectures, we nearly achieve the objective.LeNet
: originally, LeNet architecture is invented for handwritten-numbers recognition, it's not perfectly adapt for traffic signs classification
and ResNet
: originally, they are used for image classification of 224x224 pixels, it's not perfectly adapt for our traffic signs classification at 32x32 pixels
Thank confusion matrix, we could identify whether to enhance :
-[x] training dataset
-[x] real-time data augmentation
-[x] preprocessing method
Here are some extractions of confusion matrices for test dataset of 12630 samples :
Source : nguyenrobot
Test the Model on new images
1. Choose French traffic signs
Here are some French traffic signs that I filmed on the roads.
German traffic signs from INI dataset, in stardard form ↓
2. Somes common french traffic signs are not present in INI German traffic signs dataset or differed
Whatever our input — even if it’s not present in the training dataset, by using softmax activation our classifier can not say that ‘this is a new traffic sign that it doesn’t recognize’, it’s just trying to find a class that probably most suitable for the input (sum of probability across all classes is 1).
When a sign doesn’t be present in our training dataset, we’ll try to find a ‘similar’ class to label it as :
image 2 : class 29 differed
image 3 : ‘class 24’, double-sens not existed
image 5 : class 27 differed
image 6 : ‘class 33’, not existed
image 7 : ‘class 17’, halte-péage not existed
image 8 : ‘class 15’, 3.5t limit not existed
image 9 : ‘class 15’, turn-left inhibition not existed
image 12 : ‘class 2’, ending of 50kmph speed-limit not existed
image 14 : ‘class 2’, 90kmph speed-limit not existed
3. Softmax probabilities for prediction
*in case that we use softmax activation at the last layer
If we use softmax activation in the last layer, it’s very convenient to get directly the probabilities that an input image could belong to each class. However, when the input image does not belong to any class, the prediction is totally wrong ! There will be always a class that the input should be in, for the classifier.
*in case that we don’t use softmax activation at the last layer
If we don’t use softmax activation in the last layer, e will get ‘logits’ at the output for each class. ‘logits’ are very abstract but then we can add a separated softmax calculation to see the probabilities. Thank to ‘logits’, if they are all negative we can conclude that the input image does not belong to any class in the training dataset.
Here is an example of output logits for a totally strange image, the classifier can not recognize it in any class of training dataset, so all of the output logits are negative.
1. Enhancements in model architecture
*skip-connections ft. convolutional filter of layer’s size Taking the idea of skip connections in Residual Units of ResNet architecture, I created full-size convolutional filters at each stage of my neural network then inject them to a concatenation layer before the final fully-connected layer.
LeNet ft. skip-connections & full convoluional filter ↓
GoogLeNet ft. skip-connections & full convoluional filter ↓
ResNet ft. skip-connections & full convolutional filter ↓
Source : nguyenrobot
The prediction accuracy is sharply improved with this tweak. At each stage of the neural network, we dispose of a certain level of information. The fact to concatenate all levels of details in the final layer helps us to harmonize global features and local features of the input image.
Prediction accuracy of improved architectures ↓
Source : nguyenrobot
2. Enhancements in preprocessing
*HSL color-space
For more details about HLS color-space, please check my previous tutorial on Medium — lane-detection-for-adas-application
Hoping that with more information than grey-scale (channel Y from YUV color-space), we will improve that classifier accuracy.
Interestingly, the classifier is more fitted with the training dataset but it’s also over-fitted
for generalized input traffic signs image. So, the prediction on validation and test datasets have slightly fallen.
HLS vs Y(UV) in classification accuracy ↓
*Convolutional filter at size 1x1
Trying to remediate HLS overfitting issue, I applied a convolutional layer at size(1,1) just the HLS input. This convolutional layer at size(1,1) works very similarly to gray-scale transform, it takes HLS information of each pixel then combine them to get just one-channel information.
Convolutional filter at size 1x1 ↓
Source : nguyenrobot
HLS_ft_Conv_1x1 vs Y(UV) in classification accuracy ↓
In contrary to my intention, the model is even more over-fitted so the classification accuracy on test dataset dramatically falls from 95,7% to 40% !
So for classification problems, we understand that why in the original paper of LeNet architecture, the authors only used Y channel from YUV color-space.More information sometimes is bad for deep-learning !
3. Enhancements in the training dataset
Intrigued by the question what if we use soft activation in the last layer to get directly probabilites but also to keep the classifier classify well new instance images that are not belong to any classes in training dataset
, I tried to add special images to the training dataset.
Special signs added to the training dataset ↓
Source : nguyenrobot
However, these enhancements don’t give any better outcome.
Visualization of layers
The depth (number of feature-maps) of each layer is one of the most important hyper-parameter for an architecture.
-[x] A layer not deep enough couldn’t extract enough details
-[x] A layer too deep could get the model overfitted
-[x] A layer too deep get the training and prediction processes slow and resources-consuming
In deep learning, there is no perfect model. For each problem, we need to tweak, train and tweak, again and again, to get a good enough model.
Visualization of some layers ↓
Source : nguyenrobot
A simple visualization could help us to see if a layer extracts enough details or not then we can adjust their depth.
Wrapping up
-[x] Jupyter notebooks listing
Original architectures :LeNet
traffic_sign_classifier_LeNet.ipynb without softmax activation in last layer, accuracy on test dataset of 91%
traffic_sign_classifier_GoogLeNet.ipynb with softmax activation in last layer, accuracy on test dataset of 92,46%
traffic_sign_classifier_ResNet.ipynb with softmax activation in last layer, accuracy on test dataset of 93,98%
Improved architectures :LeNet improved
traffic_sign_classifier_LeNet_improved.ipynb without softmax activation in last layer, accuracy on test dataset of 95,47%
GoogLeNet improved
traffic_sign_classifier_GoogLeNet_improved.ipynb with softmax activation in last layer, accuracy on test dataset of 94,58%
ResNet improved
traffic_sign_classifier_ResNet_improved.ipynb with softmax activation in last layer, accuracy on test dataset of 95,76%
*Tries on HLS color-space and dataset enhancements * :
-[x] Object detection tutorial
I will work on another tutorial for object detection and localization, please stay tuned and follow my linkedin or my medium or my github for updates.
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